Friday, May 27, 2011

Future Obsessed

I have a problem that probably most people have. Especially post grads. A bad case of being "Future Obsessed".

What is future obsessed you might say? Most of the time I am pretty much thinking about the future. What job am I going to have? Will I be happy doing said job? Is my boyfriend going to graduate soon? Will he find a good job? Will I be able to save to buy a new car? Will I be able to move out of my parent's house? Who will I live with? Etc. Etc.

Now let me hit myself in the head. It is definitely good to have the future in mind. If you didn't think about your future, you wouldn't be motivated to do anything for yourself or think about how you'd like your life to turn out. But thinking too much and dare I say, worrying so much about it is not healthy.

I have to sit back sometimes and think, I'm 21. I do need to find a way to make money and save up for things. I need to find out what I want to do with my life. But I really do not need to worry about it so much right now. I don't need to worry so much about what my boyfriend is doing. I love him and I want him to do well, but he should be worrying about himself.

So here I am letting this go and feel free to tell me what's up if I start obsessing about the future again. Anyone else have problems thinking too much about the future?


  1. I had that period a little while back, but you can't predict the future. So if you have goals, you have to chase them and work on them. But always remember that you have to live in the moment, in the now, otherwhile you miss all the beautiful things in front of you.

  2. Thanks Renee, that's really good advice. :)

  3. I am completely the same way. I'm always wondering if I will find a decent job, if all my schooling will pay off, etc, etc. But, in all this preparation don't forget to enjoy life right now too. There's no point in working toward the future if you can't enjoy getting there first...I hope that made sense.

  4. Thanks Kendra, that definitely makes sense! That's what I'm trying to do. Just enjoy the present and work towards the future... :)

  5. Oh yes, this is most definitely me as well. My friend said it perfectly, though of course now I can't remember her exact quote.. something about the future being more of the present than the present itself. We are all so future obsessed it's insane, and we end up forgetting to just live life as it comes. I'm really trying to stop with that, but it's so difficult! Especially now that the college process has begin...ugh.

  6. Yeah I agree Natalie! And good luck with your college planning, I'm sure you'll get into the perfect school for you :)

  7. I am in the same boat. I graduate college in the fall. While that's still months away, I worry about what I will do after I graduate: go to grad school, get a job?!?! What the other girls said is good advice though...I shouldn't stress, I should just enjoy my life as it begins to transform into what it is supposed to be!

  8. Audra, first of all good luck and congrats on graduating soon! At times when I worry most, I just try to remember that I will be at the place I'm supposed to be at the time I'm supposed to be there. If you leave it up to fate, or God, or whatever you believe, sometimes that helps. :)

  9. OOOOO my... am I future obsessed? YES! its horrible, because I know that Im not living in the now and appreciating things I need to be RIGHT now!

  10. i guess i m the only guy replying over here.......but i m really really future obsessed..............i have entire conversations and scenarios that i want in the future built up in my mind right now.....its not normal is it? any solutions?

  11. That is very normal! We all obsess about the future sometimes and make up conversations and scenarios. Just don't let it take you over. I would say to try relaxation techniques and when you start obsessing, stop yourself and do something that forces you to live in the now. Talking to other people always helps too! Good luck. :)


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