Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Teen Bitten in Neck while Watching "New Moon"

No, this article isn't about Tyra. But this picture deems appropriate.

You heard my headline right. Read this article. Guaranteed to make you giggle, especially "Twilight" lovers.

Favorite quote: “I am upset that someone is that creepy, but I’m not going to let it ruin my day,” she said.

Way to be optimistic, Twihard, way to be optimistic.

On another similar note, I'm going to see "New Moon" tomorrow night! Yay!


  1. I have no idea! A fellow student found this article in my journalism class last night and I couldn't help but giggle at it. There sure are some crazy people out there....

  2. Hmm, I'm not so clear on the funny side of it -- I'd have said it was sexual assault

  3. Im seeing NewMoon tonight - very excited!!

  4. Aw thats so cute!
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