Friday, January 28, 2011

Amazing Site for Women!

I have some great news and an awesome website for all you fabulous ladies out there! I got a chance to meet Allison Stuart Kaplan and to start interning for her website, It is a great site for women of all ages and covers topics us girls love to read about - relationships, eating, working out, skincare, beauty, fashion, etc!

You can see my first article on the website here. I hope you guys like my article and check out the website!


  1. umm who would have thought! brushing your skin i will br truing this tomorrow. great job on the article!


  2. I meant trying! sorry this i pad is hard to type on!

  3. Hey, thanks for the sweet comment on my blog <3

    Your blog looks awesome too! Great idea.

  4. Thanks so much for the link. Cool site.


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