Friday, November 29, 2013

Who Are You?: A Poem

I've been writing more poems lately and I love how words just flow to paper. Here's one I found that I wrote a few years ago, but I really like. Most of my poems I keep private, but I will try to share some here.

Who are you?
You’re the secrets you keep
The secrets kept from you
The memories you cherish
And the ones that keep your ghosts up at night
The tears shed
The nights of laughter
The confusion and the clarity
The days and the nights
Spent alone
Or in a crowded room
The kisses and regrets
Convictions and losses
The loves and lost loves
The people you meet
And the people kept from you
Multi-faceted lives
So who are you?
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm So Grateful...

These past few months have been a whirlwind. I've had many ups and downs and new experiences. Here is a list of things I'm currently grateful for...

1. My amazing friends. Let me tell you, I have certain friends that have been my rock. The people I go to when I need to vent, need a shoulder to cry on or need a laugh. They listen to me complain or talk about the same thing over and over and never push me away. Those people you find that are there for you no matter what, don't let them go.
Current roomie and old roomie :) Just an example of a few people that have been there for me. There's many more :)

2. My parents. Growing up, it is crazy how much your relationship with your parents changes. You go from needing them for every single thing to being on your own. Living on my own makes me appreciate them even more and I am so grateful for everything they've done for me and they constantly make me smile.

3. Music. I love this quote: "When words fail, music speaks". There have been so many times where I let myself just melt into the music I'm listening to and when a song speaks exactly to how I am feeling.

One of my favorite songs at the moment:

4. My faith. I'm not extremely religious any more but it is comforting being able to pray at night and have God there for me.

5. Lastly, I think I am most grateful for hope. The hope I retain that one day things will be better. One day I'll be in the arms of someone who loves me and who I love so much I can't contain it. The hope that one day I'll have my dream job and be living in my dream home. The hope that no matter what happens, I'll have people there for me and I'll be okay.

What are you thankful for this year?

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

I'm Back!

Hello old friends! I think I need to start blogging again. I'm ready for a change and a chance to get my feelings out there. I need to start tracking workouts again, because let's face it, I've been pretty lazy. There's been so many changes since I last wrote on this blog.

For starters, I'm now single. My long-time boyfriend and I broke up in August. It was something I'd been thinking about for a while and it just didn't feel right any more. I still cherish what we had, but I do feel ready for new experiences.

I've also been living in an apartment with a roommate since May and things are going wonderfully. She's a sweetheart and very clean and organized like I am so we get along pretty well. I love having my own space and I definitely couldn't imagine having dates pick me up at my parent's place. Let's face it, I'm 24... apartment living is awesome for right now.

I'm currently working at a chiropractor's office part-time, still working for a non-profit and doing several freelance writing and marketing endeavours.

If you want to know anything else, just ask. :) Here's to (hopefully) more posts soon...

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